"The accompanying video features Kylie strolling around a city block within the Boulogne-Billancourt suburb of Paris, France. Each time she completes a circuit of the area, a new Kylie emerges from one of the stores (which is in fact the 'old' Minogue, that did the circuit the first time around), and each of the people in the background are also duplicated in slightly different positions. By the time the video concludes there are four unpertubed Minogues amidst an extremely chaotic scene with each background extra also depicted four times. The video ends as a fifth Minogue emerges. The video was directed by Michel Gondry and updated a concept that he had used in Neneh Cherry's Feel It music video." (wikipedia)
Il miglior video di Kylie Minogue.
mercoledì 16 aprile 2008
Kylie Minogue - Come into my world
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